Sunday, September 22, 2013

Precious in His Sight

Dearest Hazel,

It's been a very long time hasn't it? Too many years, I think. I remember watching you walk down the aisle at church once, through that sun square that was in the center of the sanctuary during certain times of day. You glowed through wrinkles and you filled a room even when your body moved so slow. I have bits of half memories of you. But I remember you called me sunshine and you made my heart feel full. So I decided to write you a blog. I think starting a blog is on my checklist of secret things I want to do but would never admit to ( it feels so vain) but this is a special season in my life. I'm waiting on something and I really want to make sure I remember how it feels to wait. The days seem long. But I hear the years are short. I'm sure you would agree.
My heart is heavy today with the loss of life in Pakistan at All Saints Church. This past year I've started thinking about the connectedness of the worldwide Church. My family. My body. My brothers and sisters. There was a time when news of this nature would make me sad but it would feel distant. But today, I can feel it in my heart. The weight of loss, of hurt, of anguish. The words that fail. The empty arms. The crying mothers. My mother. My sister.  This verse has been on my mind since I heard. God always knows what to say, doesn't he?

Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

My words fall short. His don't. I'm sure I'll be repeating that on here pretty often. Until next time----Sunshine